Saturday, April 30, 2011

Skin Deep

Race is just a social construct set for discrimination. 
Why can't we use nose sizes to categorise people?
Why must we use skin color to fit people into check-boxes?
I'm black and I have no problem with that.

Black pride at its best. 
Nodding at the random dark-skinned fellow seated across me on the tube.
Using the darkest shade of MAC Studio Fix, NC 55. 
I have no inferiority complex for being closer to the darker end of the spectrum.
That is not only because black don't crack. 
But because racial distinctions are only skin deep.

Did I hear someone claim that we live in a post-race society.
Oh yeah? I beg to differ. Mind the Gap. 
Why do we have affirmative action? 
Positive discrimination is about equality between people of different ethnicities.
This is not a ploy to boycott the regular procedure to favor the less privileged. 
What do I know?

Like always,
Je t'embrasse.

PS: My two-year blogaversary is coming up in June. I appreciate the support from my blog followers thus far. Passively reading or actively commenting on my posts means a lot. I'm just a bad writer trying to pen down my opinions and a few happenings in my life. For the two-year hall mark, I will be accepting 20 questions. So feel free to leave the question in the comment box or email me at


seye said...

Comment 1: I know some certain fools who used nose sizes to categorize people.

Comment 2: My question: ...errr...emmm...?

Kench Alegado said...

You've lift up your point very well! Great post and I love the video as well!

question : hmmm? Are you planning to conduct a contest in connection to your upcoming blogaversary?